I wonder if anyone can help me here with a proposed hiking route I have drafted.
There will be a group of 7 of us (we have hiked many times before - just not in Austria)
Day 1: Finkenberg to Friesenberghaus (Approx 17k)
Day 2: Friesenberghaus to Furtschaglhaus (Approx 11k)
Day 3: Furstschaglhaus to Berlinerhutte (Approx 7k)
Day 4: Berlinerhutte to Breitlahner (Approx 8k) and then transport to Mayrhofen.
Can you tell me if this is doable over 4 days.
I would prefer Day 1 to be shorter, but I cannot find an appropriate hut at about the 10k mark. What about Gamshutte, or is this too near Finkenberg?
If you can offer any suggestions I would be very grateful.
Sounds like you do what I know as the the Berliner Hohenweg trip from my limited knowledge ?
I think the first day you outline takes about 8-10 hours perhaps. I think the Gamshutte is too close to Finkenberg to be practical and could add almost a 1/2 to a full extra day to the trip.
At least you do the most hiking on the first day while still rested.
Perhaps you can find an alternate route from the post bus stop at Breitlahner / Schleigeis up to the Friesenberghaus - this could cut your first day by about 50 % Thus you take the bus from Mayrhofen and begin your trek from this bus stop rather than Finkenberg.Maybe not ideal but a choice.
Great time in the national park.
i agree with vertical. the gamshutte is about a 3 hour walk from finkenberg. on day one it all depends on what route you take it is doable as long as you keep going and the weather is not to bad,when are you going good luck
Thanks a lot, I%26#39;ll look at the map again and for the bus stop you mention, it would be good to cut down day one by a few hours if possible.
We are travelling on 20th August.
I think it is a good idea to take a bus from Mayrhofen as you suggested to shorten the journey on day 1.
I see quite a few ski lifts along the road way up the peaks. Are any ski lifts open in August?
check here - looks like some will be in operation:
Finkenberg - Gamshütte - about three hours. On to Friesenberghaus is another 7 (pure walking time) to 9 hours (depending). My choice would be to add another half day, start later and stop over at the Gamshütte. Good way to start a hike, with an easy day, IMHO.
here you can find some elevation profiles:
click on %26quot;Höhenprofile der Wegabschnitte des Berliner Höhenwegs%26quot; and a PDF will open.
and I guess you have this link - in English:
I think I found a way to shorten day one. check out this URL: http://tinyurl.com/ltsjmz
it appears you can go by bus/car up to the %26quot;Schlegeisspeicher%26quot;. Park near the %26quot;Domenikushaus%26quot; . From there it%26#39;s only 1:45 hours to the hut.
While offering some sites for good information, I do not believe the prior poster is familiar with Mayrhofen/ Finkenberg/ Ginzling areas.
Yes, some lifts operate in summer. Unfortunately for you , they are not even close to the areas you wish to hike in.
The Penkenbahn in Mayrhofen and the finkenberg lift go up to the Penken and Penkenjch. While this area is very nice, it is on the other side of the Valleys and not remptely connected. This area is mostly for day trips.
The Ahornbahn, a new and very large cable car also from Mayrhofen goes up to the Ahorn. This cable car will begin early in the morning sometimes to accomodate those wishing to make this journey. From there many make a journey to the top of the Ahorn peaks, not to the area you wish to be in.
I would suggest that you visit this site for more planning info , available in english.
good to the area %26quot; walking %26quot; Much info there including hiking maps and routes,including descriptions %26quot; from /to%26quot; found by using the locator and scrolling through the offerings.
Hopefuly this will allow you to better plan your routes.
Only you know the skill level of your group.
This area of the National Park continues to gain in popularity as it offers good climbing and hiking. Formerly much more remote and a popular smugglers route into Italy.
Yes, I see what you mean about the lifts to Ahorn and Penken. They are not near where I want to hike. I%26#39;ll have a look at the link you sent me. Thanks very much for your help. I%26#39;ll be back with more questions later if that%26#39;s ok?
I had a look at the route suggested at www.ginzling.at and while it is a lovely trek it is five day and I only have four.
I now think that it might be best if I reverse my route somewhat thus making my first day a very nice and not so long hike, so the trek would look like this:
Day minus 1, travel Cork- Munich- Mayrhofen
Day 1: Ginzling to Berlinerhutte
Day 2: Berlinerhutte to Furstschalglhaus
Day 3: Furtschaglhaus to Friesenberghaus
Day 4: Friesenberghaus to Breitlahner and bus back to Mayrhofen.
Day plus 4, travel Mayrhofen-Munich-Cork
This would make our first and last days fairly short with two days in between longer which is fine.
What do you think?
not to bad a new route you do not say what month you are going as the weather has been bad with a little snow but this route you can cut and bus
It appears that you almost reverse your original plan.
The way Ginzling - Berlinerhutte is again a long way on the first day. As you probably already calculated maybe 7- 8 hours -good elevation change too. But ess time than your origianl Finkenberg /Ginzling - Friesenberghaus.An alternative is to take the bus to Breitlahner and then go to the Berliner - this a shorter way and you pass several huts if you wish a break too.
Berlinerhutte to Furstschalghaus maybe 6-7 hours.
But go back to the grinzing website . Yes, it shows a 5 day trek . But continue to look past that into good information regarding this area -
look under walking then scroll through hiking, Huts, and the hiking map.
Regarding your original plan- I mentioned in my original postings an alternative way from Schlegeis -this significantly cuts the time for your first day and allows you this plan in the 4 days. Check this and see if it is for you.
You can get a bus easily to Schlegeis and many use this as a good start point for various routes. Many come here by auto for the day going places like the Olperer.The lake itself beautiful.
Water from much of this area eventually finds its way to Mayrhofen used in the hydro electric plant
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