Tuesday, March 27, 2012

train to prague with luggage

Hi! All

Since I am travelling alone,Would it be safe and convinient to a big personal luggage on the train from Vieena to Prague? (I would not return to Vieena after visiting prague)

Is there any space on the train for luggage?

Would it be better on the first class seat?

Shoulde I always keep an eye on the luggage worrying about being stolen?

Thank you so much!


All trains have places to put luggage either on overhead racks, between the seats or on luggage racks at the end of compartments. Large items should be perfectly safe - they%26#39;re not quick and easy for a thief to make off with. But take things like laptop or camera bags with you if you go to the buffet car etc.


Don%26#39;t worry too much about things being stolen - this is a civilised part of the world :)

Also first class is not to be recommended - the comfort level is almost identical to second, but it costs a lot more. If there WAS a thief on the train (unlikely), and because the first class car is usually pretty empty, that is where he/she would start looking. I have never had anything stolen in over 30 years travelling around Europe by train.

If you know which day you are travelling the ticket costs from €29 oebb.at/pv/…index.jsp (only available on-line)

One tip when travelling by train around Europe - don%26#39;t carry too much bulky luggage as it is difficult to carry it onto the train as there are some steep steps up, and that is after you have reached the platform itself - Austria is OK in this regard, but some Czech stations leave something to be desired (lack of lifts, escalators, etc)



unless the train is really empty, luggage does not belong on a seat!!!


Yes - of course - that goes without saying :) Another really annoying thing is when travellers get into a compartment, draw the curtains, lie down and occupy three seats, pretending to be asleep. I always like to sit in such compartments, making a lot of noise as I open the door, put bag on the overhead rack, etc...


Thanks All for your kindly and comprehensive replies.

Besides, I think I have made some wrong syntax about my questions above because of my poor english.

Luckly, you are so helpful and friendly.

I believe my Vieena / Prague trips would be joyful.

Miller Wang


I just went online and tried to book two tickets from Vienna to Prague for 25 Sept and the price for two was not $29Euros but $59euros each. Would it be cheaper to get them when I get to the station or the day before?


Unfortunately - no. Tickets start at EUR 29,- (a special offer called Sparschiene, which is contingented and the ticket would bind you to a specific train. No change, no refund.), if that price does not show for your connection it means these are sold out. EUR 59,- is the normal price for a single trip to Prague.


There are only about ten seats at the lower price available per train from Vienna to Prague and they can go quite quickly. Going the other way, though, it costs €19 https://eshop.cd.cz/international/info.aspx… and there doesn%26#39;t appear to be any restriction on numbers - you have to buy it at least 3 days in advance, though.

What you could do is to buy a ticket to Břeclav in Vienna and then buy the ticket to Prague from Břeclav (385 Crowns - about €15) on the train when you reach the Czech Republic, or you have 10 minutes to hop off the train and buy the ticket in Břeclav while they change locomotives. For that you will need some Czech Crowns, though, and in total it should cost about €29, maybe even less! Just get €20 worth of Crowns in Vienna, and use the ATMs when you get to Prague.


Absolutely don%26#39;t exchange for too much, if any currency, at Vienna if you could help it. You really get the best rates from the ATM%26#39;s inside Czech Republic.


Please reread CCEK%26#39;s reply which suggests getting ONLY €20 currency at Vienna to use at the quick stop at Breclav when there would be no time to use an ATM. He then says to get the rest at Czech ATMs.

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