Thursday, March 29, 2012

December train travel

I will be in Salzburg at Christmas time and have noticed that the Austrian train schedule only lists trains up to 12 Dec 2009. Does anyone know when the schedules for the second half of December will be available?


The schedule changes yearly in December.

You can check the end of this month or early November . Usually listed by then.

For planning purposes, you can use the exisiting schedule as normally limited changes will occur on many routes..


..and if you are going to Salzburg from Vienna the trains go very regularly and you just buy the ticket at the station as you normally would (currently €48). As Vertical said, any subsequent changes will be minor as logistically it would be a nightmare to make wholesale changes. Saying that, though, apparently work on the new rail hub in Vienna is due to start around then, so things will be affected - adequate measures will be put in place, I am sure, to minimise any disruption.


It depends on which train service you are interested in. Between Salzburg and Vienna there is so much traffic that could not negatively influence your intentions. I also read that ÖBB plans to increase the number of trains along this corridor. I would access the ÖBB website in a few weeks and see whether the new schedule has been released.


I checked with the DB to see if they have anything to help. They give this message:

Leider kann die elektronische Reiseauskunft derzeit nur Auskünfte vom 14.12.08 bis zum 12.12.09 geben. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.


The message says that the system can only show the timetable until 12 Dec. 2009.

The new timetable will be online at the end of Oct. (for trains) and later for busses but usually there are only few changes.

So best is to check again later!


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