Hello I am looking at a hotel in the district code 1030. I know that 1010 is the desirable area. Im looking at staying at Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen and the purpose of my visit is to visit the Xmas markets etc so dont want to be miles away from the action.
Many thanks
taking the tram 71 you are in 10 minutes on the Ring / Schwarzenbergplatz
From there you can take the trams to Rathausplatz, Maria Theresia Platz for the Xmas Markets
IF you want to go to Schönbrunn and the XMas Market there, take the tram O till WIen Mitte and change to the U4 till Schönbrunn
Let%26#39;s put it another (easier) way to understand. Bezirk (district) 1030 borders 1010. So, depending on where you are, you can cross the street and be in the other district (1010 to 1030 and vice versa).
Look at this map:
You will see that %26quot;1%26quot; is next to %26quot;3%26quot; (the first district is next to the third district).
It´s even less than 10 minutes from the hotel to Schwarzenbergplatz - and you´d be very close to the lower end of Belvedere Palace and Gardens; the Upper Belvedere hosts one of the Christmas Villages www.weihnachtsdorf.at and is especially atmospheric when it gets dark, against the white front of the Belvedere.
From Schwarzenbergplatz, you could also walk over to Karlsplatz for the Christmas market in front of St Charles Church, it is only 3 minutes or so. Like HuSanNiang said, access is really no problem from this hotel - enjoy your visit :).
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