Friday, March 23, 2012

road conditions december/january

hi friends from austria. I would like to know how the road conditions are in december and january. to be more specific i%26#39;m planning to go to salzburg from munich airport with rented car and then leave from vienna, so i explore the county a little bit (about 10 days). I am a little bit affraid about moving in the streets in cold weather. Is there usualy a lot of snow or ice? Since I leave in Athens, Greece i am totally inexpirienced in driving with snow or ice ( we rarely have any) and i wonder if it is too risky. Danke!


Never can predict the weather conditions; however one issue that has been discussed here before is the fact that you are picking up a car at Munich Airport and there is the possibiltiy that the car may NOT have Winter tyres fitted. Although Winter Tyres are not compulsory in Germany many of us (Munich, Bavaria) swap our %26quot;Summers%26quot; for %26quot;Winters%26quot; for the winter period (in Germany although %26quot;Winter Tyres%26quot; are not compulsory there is an Insurance liability issue if you are involved in an accident in %26quot;adverse%26quot; weather conditions in the Winter months WITHOUT Winter tyres fitted).

Not 100% sure but I think somebody mentioned that in Austria for the Austrians %26quot;Winter tyres%26quot; are now compulsory - I am sure some of the Austrian contributors could clarify the Austrian Winter driving rules: This could also be an issue if you are driving in Austria with a vehicle which is deemed by the Police not suitably equipped for the driving conditions. Larger hire car companies such as Hertz %26quot;endeavour%26quot; to have a wide selection of vehicles at Munich Airport with Winter tyres already fitted. However you are not guaranteed to get one and will still be charged extra even if one is available as the companies have a limited number of vehicles. What%26#39;s more if you have not pre-booked and there is no car with Winter tyres available you will only be offered what is available (i.e. Summer/All-Weather tyres). Companies such as Sixt, Hertz, Avis expect you to pre-book 48hrs ahead to guarantee %26quot;Winter Tyres%26quot; and they have no facilities at Munich airport to change the tyres on spec.


I would recommenf that you do not rent a car at the Munich Airport,

based on your trip Munich- Salzburg to Vienna.

It is easy and economical to take the train from the Munich Airport to Salzburg - a train station there in a lower level and with one change you are in Salzburg .

Using the Bayern Ticket for up to 5 traveling together for about 29 euro.

You can use the search box here to learn more about this ticket.

Arrange to pick up your auto after doing your city sightseeing in Salzburg.

This way - no parking Salzburg and no expensive parking fees. You will get a car with winter tires, most probably a vignette ( highway use sticker ) 7,70 euro for 10 days that you must purchase for the Munich rental car before entering Austria and usually no drop -off fees that you incur picking up in one country and dropping off in another.

With common sense and not trying to speed, winter driving is usually no trouble.

The highways are well maintained and if by chance it does snow, it is quickly removed on major roadways . It takes a little longer on lesser roads.

Note , it does not constantly snow here. It is possible you may not even see it snowing.

I would just avoid driving when it is actually snowing hard .

It is mandatory to have snow tires or chains when driving during times of snow and ice on the highways in Austria.

If you have an unfortunate accident and not have your car so equipped during times of snow and ice, you can be held responsible for such accident by the police sometimes regardless of the situation.

Most everyone here has a fulll set of winter tires for their auto and makes the change for the period November - April.

Actually you could still drive your auto without them during dry periods , but few wish to take this chance and be away from home and have it snow.

Remember at higher altitudes , it is much colder and what you see as rain in valleys can be snow above . Watch for this.

Good weather reports can be found on Austrian TV.

a website for prognosis


A car with winter tyres drives extremely well in poor conditions.

It%26#39;s actually their capability to work at low temperatures that makes them so good and of course there deeper/courser tread pattern to help them deal with snow.

Coming from England where it rarely snows and then experiencing snow conditions in Austria it hasn%26#39;t been an issue for me.

Winter tyres make a huge difference and you can treat the driving like you are driving in heavy rain.

It%26#39;s already snowing in certain parts in Austria and I do here that a couple of ski resorts have already opened. So this winter season could see good snow in dec/jan like it did last season. Fingers crossed!

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