Friday, March 23, 2012

Vienna for Christmas?


I%26#39;ve always wanted to see Vienna, some friends suggested we go together for Christmas this year. Just wondering, is Christmas a good time to go, and if so, why? We are very active 30s with a two year old. Any advice would be great. Thanks so much!


If you have always wanted to visit Vienna- no better period than to do it during the Christmas season.

The usual sightseeing- palaces, museums, Churches,architecture, music and more still there , but you have the additional varied Christmas markets, Holiday decorations, fun ,spirit ,special food and drinks of the season too.

About the only thing you will miss would be the flowers and atmosphere in the parks.

Fun to visit Schonbrunn Palace and also the Christmas Market in front. A nice atmosphere with Christmas tree, good food , cookies etc.

Nearby if you wish a short visit to the zoo.

Some other recommendations

Fun to stop in a cafe and order hot chocolate and some pastry.

Stop at a kiosk for punsch or Gluhwein. Even a Kinder punsch for kids without alcohol.

A ride in a horse drawn carriage to see the sights, They have blankets to keep you warm.

The Freyung Christmas Market with nice gifts and music too.

Take a walk in the city center in early evening to see the many lighted decorations- fun for a 2 year old too-

A special season in a special city .


Thank you so much for your reply. We have already made the call to our travel agent for tickets, I%26#39;m so excited. Thanks for the lengthy list of things to do and see. We were planning on going from Dec. 24-Jan 8 with side trips to Salzburg and Budapest. One question, do the Christmas markets/exhibitions stop after Dec. 25? I was reading that the large Christmas market closes on Christmas day, just wondering about the rest of the city. Thanks.


Most Christmas markets close on the 23rd or 24th.

The market at Schonbrunn is open until the 26th.

If you plan a salzburg visit , the markets by Wolfgangsee are open for the period after Christmas and are very interesting with a great atmosphere.

Advent markt

You may find somthings open in salzburg city too.

With the time you have perhaps you wish more than a day trip to salzburg area.

Note that the 26th is a holiday here also.

Most shops , banks closed but normal tourist sitrs are open. similar to the 25th.

I would suggest a restaurqant reservation for the 24th.

This evening is the Holiday celebration here .

Some time later check for restaurant and museum openings for the Holiday dates

The tourist office website willusually have these

This also a good source of other info.

Vienna is a great place to celebrate new Years . The city center turned into a massive pedestrian zone with many activities.

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