Saturday, April 21, 2012

Best transport Melk to Salzburg

What are the choices for transportation from Melk (after departing ferry) to Salzburg?

Train? Bus? Car/Driver? Rental car?

If this has been covered in the recent past, I would appreciate a link.



Take the train as everybody does. Unfortunately fast trains do not stop in Melk, hence you need to take a local train to the town of Amstetten and then on with a %26quot;superior%26quot; train (Intercity train). You could also skip the backward (upstream) trip to Melk on the Danube and take a local train from Krems to St. Pölten, where almost all fast trains stop (at least more than in Amstetten). I would opt for latter one as it would save you much time. (ÖBB)


Thanks for the train link.

Is is possible (a good idea?) to buy that train ticket in Melk just prior to departure? Also, would that train have senior fares?


Buying the ticket just before departure is the best idea as (almost) everybody does it that way. Unfortunately there are no senior fares available which could be booked without the ÖBB discout card for seniors.


Thanks very much.

That%26#39;s what we will do. Your advice is much appreciated.


Connections are easy between Melk and Salzburg... don%26#39;t worry.

Melk station has a ticket window with limited business hours but there is also a multiple-language touchscreen ticket machine. Both accept credit cards. If there is more than 1 passenger make sure that you buy the tickets together (at the ticket machine just enter the number of passengers) as there is a discount from the 2nd passenger on.

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