Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Restaurants in Fourth or Seventh District

Has anyone eaten at places in either the Fourth or Seventh District and can recommend a couple of restaurants?

Thanks in advance.


A few of my faves -

4th district:

Wieden Bräu in Waaggasse 5 - (Austrian food and their own beer)

The Point of Sale in Schleifmühlgasse 12 (across from Bobby´s British supermarket) -…pos

7th district:

Siebensternbräu in Siebensterngasse 19

(Austrian food and famous for their beer, prefer it over Wiedenbräu)

Kulin in Siebensterngasse 14 (Mexican)


A favourite of mine in the 7th:

Also worth a look in the same district:


Are the restaurants listed above touristy? We are looking for more of a local feel.

Thank you.


Norman - your second link does not work :(


That%26#39;s weird - it was working when I posted. I%26#39;ve checked on Google and I%26#39;m getting the same web address and the link below (part of the Spittelberg area pages) also leads to the %26quot;broken%26quot; page!

I hope it%26#39;s just a temporary glitch - try again later.


None is what one would refer to as touristy, no. Of course visitors do go there, or at least to Siebensternbräu - but then, some of us generally like to recommend it because it is really a good place and has a lovely garden, too; it is very popular with the Viennese.

In any case, all are places frequented by locals, with The Point of Sale being the most international one - it´s close to a University and when it started out, was big on international breakfasts. You need not fear that any of these are tourist traps (I´d consider Griechenbeisl in the 1st district that, but some people like it).


Forgot to say - Witwe Bolte is in one of the tiny Biedermeier streets that make up the popular Spittelberg area (with Kulin and Siebensternbräu being just off the same) so likely you would find yourself amongst some fellow tourists there. I have not eaten at Witwe Bolte myself but passed it often enough and it looks fine and the menu offers a lot. There is also a Creperie in one of those streets, which comes recommended as well.

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