Hi there. Should we purchase the Vienna Card during our stay in Vienna? We plan on staying there for two days. Let us know. Thanks.
I wouldn%26#39;t bother. The discounts the card gives are quite small (5-10% I think) so unless you spend the entire time going to museums you probably won%26#39;t recoup the cost. It%26#39;s possible to buy good value transport passes which is the other thing the card provides - but the standard 24-hr transport card is only 5 euros so much cheaper!
I agree with roley, for two days the Vienna Card is a waste of money. if you need a ticket the regular 72 hours ticket costs 12,00 Euro. if you%26#39;re staying in the city center you don%26#39;t need a ticket at all as all the major sights are within walking distance.
Quite right - the Vienna Card is a %26quot;catch penny%26quot; to the point that you risk becoming preoccupied with ensuring you use the vouchers to recoup its cost, rather than just enjoying Vienna.
Most of the discount vouchers included with the Vienna Card were poor, or even virtually useless. Far better to buy a 24hr, or 72hr public transport discount ticket, which costs much less %26amp; gives you exactly the same travel benefits. Avoid the Vienna Card!
Is there anyone out there that found buying the Vienna Card to be a good thing?
We bought the Vienna card and thought is was a good investment. However, we were in Vienna for 4 nights and spent 3 full days using it for public transportation seeing many museums and attractions. For only 2 days, I would agree with the previous posts and not purchase it.
How many of you are traveling? We didn%26#39;t realise that we needed to carry ALL the discount books with us ( not just all the cards,) and because of how much I had in my bag already, I couldn%26#39;t be bothered. Discount vs sore shoulders and neck!
While Patrobert has a point, he could have enjoyed EXACTLY the same public transport privileges by buying a 72hr travel card for a lot less than the Vienna Card.
As VEROPALO correctly reminds me, to benefit from the Vienna Card offers, you have to carry the whole booklet of vouchers with you as well as the Vienna Card itself and many of the vouchers were relatively worthless. Each Vienna Card holder has his/her own voucher booklet, so it did become a bit of a bore.
Don%26#39;t get me wrong - Vienna%26#39;s a great place, but don%26#39;t waste your money on a Vienna Card.
A bit of critical insider-info about the Vienna card:
I worked for the Vienna tourist board when it came on offer, and it was basicly created under the pressure of a few big international tour-operator syndicates, who wanted to have a product that a.) looks good and international b.) can easily be presented in their catalogues and c.) is commisonable, which means they can make a profit from selling them, because before this, Vienna Transport didn´t pay any commisons to travelagents for selling public-transport tickets, but believe me, the comission is so low nowadays, that I would be surprised if any international agent bothers about it ...
The discounts are so rare and low, because the companies accepting the card have to pay for beeing a part of the scheme already every year, and so they are not really willing to have even more costs or loss by lettíng you in way more cheaper then regular.
In the end, its nothing else then a 72hours-ticket with a few gimmicks, for which you pay a fairly high price ...
Critical Greets this time, Fritz
Fritz is so very right about the Vienna Card...not worth the extra money at all. I always advise that people just buy the standard 72 hr pass for transit which is a very good bargain.
Good points all around. I do believe that it depends on how long you are there and what you plan to do. It was quite cold when we were in Vienna in March 2006 so we looked for indoor things to do. If the 72 hr pass is 12e and the Vienna Card is 18.5e I have to believe it was worth it considering that during the 72 hr period we visited Schonbrunn palace, Hofberg palace, the Spanish riding school, the Militart History Museum ( a must see !!!) and a pub/eating place or two that offered us a free drink with the card. Must have added up to more than 6.5e per card in discounts.
We will be in Vienna again in early November for 4 nights again. Haven%26#39;t totally figured out what we plan to see (hoping for warmer weather). Good discussion....makes us think. Card vs Pass
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