We are going on holiday to Kitzbuhel next week and would like to visit Grossglockner, Krimml Waterfalls and Salzburg (on separate days obviously).
Our holiday company offers excursions but we are wondering if there any other ways to visit that are cheaper, but still relatively hassle free?
Kitzbühel owns a train station with numerous trains to Salzburg. That%26#39;s definitely hassle-free. It should not be a problem to reach the waterfalls of Krimml by regional bus. I suppose that a transfer in Mittersill is required. Timetables for trains as well as regional buses can be found here:
The Großglockner Area is a remote section without public transportation. You can either rent a car or try to find a tour that leaves from Zell am See. The only public bus route going North-South is the one via the %26quot;Felbertauern Road%26quot; that passes Matrei and ends in Lienz. That%26#39;s your only option to see the mighty mountains there without renting a car.
Salzburg and Krimmler Wasserfälle can be easily done by public transport. Best is to use the timetable query!
Stops you will need:
For Salzburg just enter %26quot;Salzburg%26quot;
For Krimml Waterfalls enter %26quot;Krimml Wasserfälle%26quot;
For Großglockner (there is very limited public transport, but it is doable) enter %26quot;Großglockner Franz Josefs Höhe%26quot;
Check out this site: http://www.stoll.at/tagesfahrt.php
Good deals, but only German!!!!
General info, some are with good links to tour operators!
I was in Kitzbuhel myself on holiday in June, and would advise the following:-
Salzburg is best done on your tour operators excursion ! The train takes TWICE as long and is far more expensive. Buses are cheaper but not direct.
Its really not worth the hassle !
To try and do Grossglockner by public transport is a nightmare. Again i would stump up the tour ops excursion price. Its worth it in this case.
Kitzbuhel is really beautiful. It will however be quiet in September, and the weather could be iffy.
Have a great time 1
Thanks for all the tips and links everyone. We will probably try the bus for Krimml Waterfalls, and it looks like the excursions might just save us some stress even if they don%26#39;t save us any money!
Thanks again, we%26#39;re really looking forward to it.
I have done the organised excursions to Krimmel Falls and Grossglockner.I thought they were good value.
Krimmel.Wear a waterproof whatever the weather.Quite a hike up the path to the top of the falls if you want to go that far so you need to be quite fit.
Grossglockner.Weather-dependent.If it%26#39;s clear it%26#39;s spectacular-if it%26#39;s dank it%26#39;s a waste of money.Dont go if you are prone to bus-sickness.The coach ride is better than the stop at the road summit-tacky, over-priced cafeteria,expensive trip down to walk on the glacier-you walked on a glacier/so what? The marmots look huggable but they are vermin!And it%26#39;s a long way from Kitz (with an unnecessary stop-other than toilets-as you enter the Grossgluckner protected park area).
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