Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One Day from Vienna - Budapest


I only have one day and need the quickest and best way to do a one-day tour.

Any recommendations for a tour operator?

I%26#39;m fine with taking the train to Budapest both ways and getting a tour there but I%26#39;m not sure if that bus tour from Vienna-Budapest is better.

Any recommendations would be great!




I think it is not necessary to join a bus tour, although it would probably be the most comfortable way to accomplish that. If you take the first train out of Vienna and the last one back, then you approximately have 10 hours to %26quot;kill%26quot;. ÖBB, the Austrian railway operator, also offers a %26quot;Budapest Excursion Ticket%26quot; for 29€ (return) which can only be booked at train stations. Vienna-based sightseeing tour operators should also offer guided bus tours to (nearby) foreign cities. A google search brought me to this company: www.viennasightseeingtours.com/EN10.htm

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