How long would it take to walk into the city centre from this it a nice walk,i.e safe area.Also the breakfast at this hotel is very expensive,are there any nice cafes/resturants in the area that serve a good breakfast??
Most parts of Vienna can be regarded as very safe although common sense is always needed. I would only be careful around train stations in the late evening and some subway stations (e.g. Karlsplatz Interchange %26gt; Open drug scene) especially if you are a woman. The 7th district, in which the mentioned hotel is located, is one of the rather expensive ones and perfectly safe. You can walk down to the central district (Innenstadt) within 10-15 minutes. If you don%26#39;t fancy walking you can take bus #48A. Just bear in mind that bus 48A uses different streets for outbound and inbound. Center-bound buses take Burggasse, while outbound buses take Neustiftgasse. I can%26#39;t name you specific cafes/restaurants there as I live elsewhere but I can assure you that you won%26#39;t have problems finding decent places. This area is fairly fancy or %26quot;in%26quot; with a population that likes to dine out. You would also be close to Spittelberg where you find numerous places.
Thanks for your advice.Im so excited about the trip now!
You are not far some good restaurants- especially if you look in the Spittelberg area-
Witwe Bolte
many cafes for a breakfast that is not expensive- many along Marishilferstrasse - ashort walk away- even a McDonalds that serves a standard breakfast.
You may wish to combine the breakfast with the journey toward sightseeing- tryinf g to remember , I think several places for breaakfast along Burggasee as you walk to city center .
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