Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Graz hostels?

Has anyone here ever stayed in a hostel in Graz? I%26#39;m going to be in town for a few days in late October, and am having a hard time finding an affordable hotel so I thought I would look into hostels.

I am looking for something near to the University of Graz.

Thanks in advance!


Have you tried to google %26quot;Graz Hostel%26quot;?


I can recommend this one to you. I don%26#39;t know if it is near the university though.



Thanks, I did google it, but was interested to hear people%26#39;s personal experiences with hostels or cheap hotels in Graz. Sometimes that%26#39;s more reliable than google!


I stayed there twice and I always liked it very much. Great breakfast buffet, modern appearance, not very far from the center. It%26#39;s like a mix between a youth hostel and an ordinary hotel.

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