Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tobogganing / Horse riding - Day trip from Salzburg?

Hi everyone

We are due to go to Salzburg for a week on 14.12.09 and as well as mooching around the christmas markets we would really like to go tobogganing and horse back ridingin the snow. I have been searching on the internet for days now and appear to be having some difficulty working out how to do these activities.

I%26#39;ve seen both at Filzmoos but I%26#39;m unsure whether these are available during mid december and how easy it will be to get there from Salzburg on public transport.

I%26#39;d be really grateful for any advice

Many thanks



The website stated below is basically a good source for all kinds of activities in the Salzburg Province. Right now the website is still set for the summer season but in a few weeks they will change to the winter version that should answer most of your questions:

We often get questions here about snow and its probability to be there at the time of arrival. It is moreless impossible to make any prediction as it highly varies from year to year. According to the statistics December is not a %26quot;reliable%26quot; month but finally you never know when winter commences.

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