I will arrive Wien International Airport at 14:20 and I want to catch the train to Salzburg the earlier possible. I will most probably take the S-Bahn to Mitte. Is there any other S-Bahn station closer to the train station where I should catch the train to Salzburg?
From Mitte how long it will take to reach the OBB Station? Which public transport shall I take to reach there?
I will stay in Salzburg 2 days\3 nights and I can%26#39;t pay much for accomodation. Shall I get any for 30 euros\night? Is there anyone you sugest?
There is a direct bus between the airport and the West Station (= Westbahnhof) from where all trains to Salzburg leave. Price: 6€/departures every 20-30 minutes.
to answer your quwstion regarding transport from Wien Mitte to the train station - Westbahnhof-
you can take the UBahn line U-3 direct from Wien Mitte to the Westbahnhof about 7 stops and takes about 10 minutes.
The SBahn from the airport takes about 25 minutes to Wien Mitte
the transfer bus from the airport takes about 30 minutes -
your choicee
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