Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What area of Alps should I consider for a hiking trip

I am trying to plan an 8 to 9 day hiking trip to Austria with 10 others next September and am feeling overwhelmed with trying to sort out the choices. We want a hike that combines travels between mountain huts and lodges, 5-7 hours/day, non-technical but steep and/or significant elevation gain is good. At this point just getting some suggestions for what area of Austria I should be considering would be most appreciated.


check this thread:

on tripadvisor.

It discusses in detail a four-five day hike, which would otherwise fit the bill. Mayrhofen and the hike is the classic %26quot;Berliner Höhenweg%26quot;

Walking Austria%26#39;s Alps: Hut to Hut 2nd Edition (Paperback) might help you. About $12.00 at Amazon.


Austria offers so many possibilities it is very hard to recommend just one, especially no knowing your likes/ dislikes and most importantly experiences. Some consideration can be given also to your gateway and departure cities and if you plan other visits in addition to your mountain hiking.

Perhaps the best place to start for a good and concise overview is the following

this site offers a concise and good amount of information and various areas. It allows a good comparison n one place for easy review.

I would particularly look to the areas Hohe Tauern, Zillertal and Montafon Alpen.

To me September is normally a good time for this. Often the weather is very agreeable and fewer people makes the experience nicer.

I will go for a few days in Septemer this year.

After you have looked at the above - please return with any questions etc.


28 day hike between the highest mountains of Austria and the famous Dolomites (getting on and off is possible every day) (only German)

3 options of 3-day-hikes in Tirol´s most beautiful corner (around Kitzbuehel):…

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