Weare currently in Vienna, and would like to visit a bicycle store or sporting goods shop -- a place where the locals (as opposed to tourists) shop would be ideal.
We are comfortable with the U-bahn, so a list of stops would be great.
You could try Megasport Eybl at Mariahilfer Str. 158 in the 15th district. You can reach it very conveniently by U3 to Westbahnhof and it%26#39;s just a short walk from there.
Found it! Thanks. Interesting neighborhood.
A Intersport Shop is located in the shopping center at the end of the UBahn line U-2 - thus very convenient to find.
Note that these shops Intersport Eybl often have less than most knowedgeable staff and depending on the season and sport limited selection.
Several bike places.
this easy to reach via the UBahn U-1 - Donauinsel selection of bikes and service-
interesting area for biking too along the Danube and some nightlife at Copa Cagrana.
sorry this one did not make it
local place on the Gurtel easy to reach by U-6 Burggasse / Stadthalle stop not far from Westbahnhof.
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