Thursday, April 12, 2012

hotel transfer

What is the best way to get from the train station to hotel?


Normally the best and easiest transfer is by taxi.

But often you find good public transport connections- What train station What Hotel ?


You need to specify your request if you want serious answers.


If the hotel%26#39;s in Vienna and the train station%26#39;s in New York I%26#39;d say fly. If the hotel is right next door to the train station I%26#39;d say walk. For anything else, as my colleagues say, be specific. Vienna has at least 6 major train stations and hundreds of hotels which probably give thousands of options to travel between them! ;-)


I wasn%26#39;t original poster but I was wondering the same thing. We are arriving from Prague via Sudbahnhof and staying at Das Tyrol. Any suggestions for the best way to get there? Are taxi%26#39;s generally a good option? I know in some places taxi%26#39;s have a bad reputation so I just want to make sure Vienna isn%26#39;t one of them. Thanks!


Taxis are a fine, easy option and are perfectly safe to use in Vienna. The only drawback could be the cost and if you%26#39;re going to buy transport passes anyway public transport would be efectively free. In that case you%26#39;d catch tram D from outside the station alighting at the Burgring stop (6 stops, 12 mins). Cross the Ringstrasse and walk down the back of the Kunsthistorishes (Fine Art) Museum 500 metres to Mariahilferstrasse and your hotel.

Many, but not all, trams are level entry. If the first one is an older type with steps the next one should be the newer, lower type. They run about every 6-10 minutes.

With much luggage you may think the taxi an easier option!


OK, I%26#39;m new at this and definitely didn%26#39;t know Vienna has six train stations, so let%26#39;s try again . . .

Any suggestions for getting from the Wien Westbahnhof train station to the Prinz Eugen Hotel, Wiedner Gurtel 14, Vienna, on a Sunday evening? Any sightseeing tips for Vienna would also be welcome!

Thank you for your advice and your patience with a rookie!


Best and quickest way is by taxi. Unlike a few other cities in Europe , the Vienna taxi has a mostly reliable meter and driver. Probably a 10 euro ride perhaps

for public transport -

Leaving the Westbhanhof you will find the strassenbahn ( streetcar ) line#18 just in front. Take the #18 in the direction of end station Schlachthausgasse - this shown on the front of the streetcar- with no changes you arrive to the stop Sudbahnhof in about 15 minutes. The Prinz Eugen is just across the street on slightly to the left side.

single ticket 1,80 euro.

for all sightseeing info

just across the street from the Sudbahnhof you will find streetcar#D - this will take you directly into the city center and near many tourist sights- Hofburg palace, Fine Arts Museum etc.

The Belvedere Palace and gardens are just a 5 minute walk from this hotel - worth a visit too.


Thank you -- that certainly sound easy enough! I appreciate the help.

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